Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm finally doing a new post!! We'll start with our Christmas tree!!

 It has been so long since I last posted an update on our blog, I'm sorry! I need to be better at keeping our blog up to date, I think I will make that one of my goals for this up coming year. The last two months have been very busy for Brandon and I, but I figured that I would start with how we spent out first Christmas together as a married couple. We will start with my quest to find us a fabulous Christmas tree! I bugged Brandon starting in November how we had to find a tree quickly before all of the good ones were taken! We had decided that we were going to look for a tree on Craigslist because we could get a much better deal on a bigger tree then if we bought one new from the store. So I began religiously searching every day on Craigslist for the perfect tree and every time I though I had found one Brandon either didn't like it or thought we could do better. All I wanted was a descent sized pre-lit tree and it seemed that everyone and their mother had the same idea! I finally wore Brandon down with my constant bugging that we had to find a tree soon or else there would be none left. I think my persistance paid off because he finally agreed on a tree that I had found! Needless to say I found quite a tree!! It was 9 feet tall, pre-lit with white lights, and extremely full!! We jumped in my car and headed out to pick it up. Once we got there we didn't really realize how large of a box was needed to store such a large tree and it was a miracle that we fit it into my little car! We got it home and picked out a spot that we thought it would look nice in and began taking it out of the box. As Brandon started putting the tree together we soon found out that the tree was not going to fit very well in the spot it was in, so we decided to move it into another room of our house. That was a big job! We tipped it onto it's side and each took an end and hauled it into the next room. It fit!! Well sort of, there was no room for a tree topper but that was ok with with me. We had so much fun decorating the tree although Brandon thought it was funny  that every ornament I had bought had glitter on it! I told him every girl loves glitter! Here are a couple of pictures of our fabulous tree all decorated for Christmas!! I have a lot more posts to put up and I promise I will get them done soon!!  

This was just the bottom piece of the tree and it was so huge! I was laughing so hard because you couldn't even see Brandon standing behind it!!

Brandon putting the second piece on and he could hardly reach the top!

Brandon finally gave in and got a chair to stand on because the top of the tree was so high up!! I think this was the point we both realized that the tree was not really going to look very good in this spot!

This is the ornament that my parents got us for our first Christmas together! I love it, it is so cute!

Our tree all decorated and lit! I loved how it turned out! One funny little side note, Diesel got confused by the fact that we had a tree in our house and decided he was going to stake his claim on it by peeing on part of the bottom! It's funny now, but at the time I was not too pleased with him, but who could blame him, he had to go and we conveniently placed a tree in the house for him!