Monday, June 7, 2010

The fish tank, or as I like to call it, Brandon's love child!

The fish tank is almost complete! The only thing that we have left to do is stain the canopy that Brandon made and make the bottom piece of the stand that covers all of the filtration. We also decided to change the tank from a fish only tank to a fish and coral tank, it makes the tank so much more interesting. Although we have found out that keeping corals is a LOT of WORK!! It amazes me how much goes into the tank to keep everything happy. I thought it would be fun to give everyone the specs of the tank so you can get an idea of just how big it really is!

Top tank: 300 gallons Tank dimensions: 1 1/2ft x 2ft x 8 ft
Bottom tank(filtration system): 125 gallons
Total rock in pounds: 400
Total sand in pounds: 500
Total fish: 25
Total coral: 30
Lighting: 2 400 watt Metal Halide lights and 1300 watts of LED lights (1,560 individual bulbs!)
Water movement: 7000 gallons an hour

That's not even everything, but I thought you might get a little bored with all the facts. Here are some recent pictures of what the tank looks like! Enjoy!

The tank with the metal halide lights hanging above in the boxes Brandon made for them. The LED's are hidden by the canopy
Here is the Black Tang which is one of Brandon's favorite fish

This is the Sohal Tang, he is really pretty but really mean to the other fish in the tank

This is a picture of a couple of corals and in the center is a rose tip anenome, which are rare.

Side view of the tank

And for some reason I posted this picture again!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I know, I know, I am the world's worst blogger!

Since it has been many monthe since I lasted posted anything on our blog, we have a lot to catch up on! To Brandon's credit he does bug me quite often to blog, but I am just not a blogger, I pormise I will try and be better. Lets start with a little post devoted to Diesel! For my Birthday in January my parents got us an awesome Sony video camera, which I love! I think it was a subtle hint to stop using my phone to take videos since you couldn't see a darn thing. Ok back to Diesel. I honestly think Diesel has a bit of OCD, something will catch his eye or rub him the wrong and he will become obsessed with whatever it is. Things to add to his list are: the Fed Ex truck that he has chased away from the house and down the street, a tire in the backyard that Brandon found for him to chew on, and last but not least cardboard boxes. We will focus on cardboard for this post, every time he glimpses cardboard of any kind he freaks out, zeros in on it, and goes into attack mode! We had a box that was on it's way to the garbage and Diesel spotted it before it made it outside, the poor box never stood a chance. So I grabbed our amazing camera and caught it on tape. You'll notice that Banks could give a darn about the box, all he is interested in is biting Diesel in some sensitive areas while he is busy showing the box whose boss! Enjoy and I promise to blog more!