Saturday, September 25, 2010

Birthday Boy!

Wednesday was a very special day at our house, Banks turned 1!!! We celebrated by giving him a really big nasty meaty bone that was quite disgusting, but he sure enjoyed it. Don't worry we didn't forget about Diesel, he got one too! Although they each had their own bone, they insisted on arguing over the same one. I thought I would post some pictures of Banks' adventures over the past year so you can see him growing up. My baby is a big boy now, Diesel can no longer fit his head in his mouth, although he stills tries, and Banks can definitely hold his own when it comes to wrestling with his big brother. Banks is almost as tall as Diesel and although he doesn't quite meet his weight of 120lbs, he is a respectable 95lbs. I'm sure he is bound to get bigger, he seems to still be growing! Enjoy the pictures!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Banks, he was so small and cute!

Diesel giving Banks a good sniff when we first brought him home

I think Banks was a couple months old in this picture, Diesel was still not sure if he was ok with sharing me and Brandon with the little runt!

About 4 or 5 months old sleeping in bed with Daddy

Playing in the yard

Brandon was throwing a ball for him to chase

Taking a brake in the shade

Playing with Brandon in the front yard. This is his all time favorite thing to do. He will sit at the front door until Brandon takes him outside to play everyday

This was Diesel's face when we told him it was Banks' birthday and they were getting bones!

We stopped by the lake on our way home from a camping trip to let the dogs swim. Banks had never swam before so he was watching how his big brother did it

He took the leap of faith and instantly went under, I seriously had a heart attack and almost made Brandon jump in to save him! Luckily he popped up after a few seconds and was not a happy camper! He was flopping around like crazy trying to get back to land!

Their all time favorite thing to do together, sleep! For some reason, they like to sleep on my shoes, Brandon says it's because they love me more!

Banks sporting his graduation cap! He was the best in his obedience class and the youngest!


  1. You have two HUGE dogs!!! Banks is so cute! And Diesel is such a good big brother! Love the puppy pics....

  2. I can't believe he's already a year old! I love the baby photo and the one of them sleeping together. It's good that Banks has a nice big brother.

  3. I can't believe how big he's getting! I remember it was just yesterday when he was running around our house like a crazy puppy. In fact, I think you had just picked him up that day! He and Diesel look so happy together.

    (This is really Dad posting, not Mom)
